Hi all, I have a problem with DELETE performance with
postgres 7.4. I have a database with 2 great tables
(about 150,000 rows) continuously updated, with 1000 – 1200 INSERT per
second and 2 or 3 huge DELETE per minute, in which we delete almost all the
rows inserted in the 2 tables during the previous minute. I have a single, indexed foreign key
between the 2 tables. In this scenario we have always a problem
with the delete: For 1 or 2 hours we update only one table,
and everything goes ok, where DELETE last at most 6 or 7 seconds. Then for a minute we do INSERT on both
table, and everything continue going ok, with DELETE that last about 10
seconds. From that moment on, DELETES become timeless,
and last for 240 and more seconds! Then I can’t recover from this state because
INSERT continue with the same rate and DELETE become more and more slow. I do a vacuum analyze every minute. What can I do to avoid or at least limit
that problem? I will be graceful to everyone who could help
me. Hi, Gianluca
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