ON "versionA".user_fast_index
USING btree
(gender, dateofbirth) -- here the gender and dateofbirth fields are the fields that we usually ORDER BY in the select statements, but you can play with the needed fields
WHERE (hobby_bitmap & 1) > 0;
RETURNS integer[] AS
'select ARRAY( select (1 << s.i) from generate_series(0, 32) as s(i) where ( 1 << s.i ) & $1 > 0 )'
My question is about index usage when bitwise operations are invoked.
Situation Context:
Lets suppose we have 2 tables TBL1 and TBL2 as the following:
TBL1 {
......... ;
integer categoryGroup; // categoryGroup is declared as an index on TABL1
......... ;
}TBL2 {
......... ;
integer categoryGroup; // categoryGroup is declared as an index on TABL2
......... ;
}By conception, I suppose that:
- [categoryGroup] may hold a limited number of values, less than 32 values.
- [categoryGroup] is of type integer => it means 4 bytes => 32 bits
=> 32 places available to hold binary '0' or binary '1' values.
- [categoryGroup] is the result of an "OR bitwise operation" among a predefined set of variables [variableCategory].
We suppose that [variableCategory] is of type integer (=>32 bits)
and each binary value of [variableCategory] may only hold a single binary '1'.
Ex: variableCategory1 = 00000000000000000000000000000010
variableCategory2 = 00000000000000000000000000100000
variableCategory3 = 00000000000000000000000000001000If [categoryGroup] = variableCategory1 | variableCategory2 | variableCategory3
=>[categoryGroup] = 00000000000000000000000000101010
I have an SQL request similar to:SELECT ..... FROM TBL1, TBL2 WHERE
<inner join between TBL1 and TBL2 is True> AND
TBL1.CATEGORY & TBL2.CATEGORY <> 0 //-- where & is the AND bitwise operatorQst:
1/ IS the above SQL request will use the INDEX [categoryGroup] defined on TBL1 and TBL2 ?
2/ What should I do or How should I modify my SQL request in order
to force the query engine to use an index ? (the already defined index or another useful index)
Thx a loт