Lance, > The parameters I would think we should calculate are: > > max_connections > > shared_buffers > > work_mem > > maintenance_work_mem > > effective_cache_size > > random_page_cost Actually, I'm going to argue against messing with random_page_cost. It's a cannon being used when a slingshot is called for. Instead (and this was the reason for the "What kind of CPU?" question) you want to reduce the cpu_* costs. I generally find that if cpu_* are reduced as appropriate to modern faster cpus, and effective_cache_size is set appropriately, a random_page_cost of 3.5 seems to work for appropriate choice of index scans. If you check out my spreadsheet version of this: ... you'll see that the approach I found most effective was to create profiles for each of the types of db applications, and then adjust the numbers based on those. Other things to adjust: wal_buffers checkpoint_segments commit_delay vacuum_delay autovacuum Anyway, do you have a pgfoundry ID? I should add you to the project. -- --Josh Josh Berkus PostgreSQL @ Sun San Francisco