2007-05-09 03:07:50.083 GMT 1146975740: LOCATION: BasicOpenFile,
2007-05-09 03:07:50.091 GMT 0: LOG: 00000: duration: 12.362 ms
2007-05-09 03:07:50.091 GMT 0: LOCATION: exec_simple_query,
So we decreased the max_files_per_process to 800. This took care
of the error **BUT** about quadrupled the IO wait that is happening
on the machine. It went from a peek of about 50% to peeks of over
200% (4 processor machines, 4 gigs ram, raid). The load on the
machine remained constant.
Sounds to me like you just need to up the total amount of open files
allowed by the operating system.
Joshua D. Drake
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