Let me just thank the list, especially for the references. (I found similar papers myself with Google: and to think I have a university library alumni card and barely need it any more!) I'll write again on the sorts of results I get.
BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:2.1 N:Lazarus;Andrew;;;Ph.D. FN:Andrew Lazarus, Ph.D. EMAIL;PREF;INTERNET:andrew@xxxxxxxxxxxx TITLE:Director of R&D ADR;WORK:;800-366-0688;3028 Fillmore Street;San Francisco;CA;94123;USA LABEL;WORK;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:800-366-0688=0D=0A3028 Fillmore S= treet=0D=0ASan Francisco=0D=0ACA=0D=0A94123=0D=0AUSA X-GENDER:Male REV:18991230T080000Z END:VCARD