At 04:53 AM 4/23/2007, Mario Weilguni wrote:
Am Donnerstag, 19. April 2007 schrieb Sergey Tsukinovsky:
> 2. What would be the recommended set of parameters to tune up in order
> to improve the performance over the time, instead of considering an
> option to vacuum every 30 minutes or so?
> 3. Is it safe to run 'vacuum' as frequently as every 15-30 minutes?
No problem.
> 4. Suggestions?
Do yourself a favor and upgrade at least to 8.1.x and use autovacuum.
In fact, I'll go one step further and say that pg improves so much
from release to release that everyone should make superhuman efforts
to always be running the latest stable release.
Even the differences between 8.1.x and 8.2.x are worth it.
(and the fewer and more modern the releases "out in the wild", the
easier community support is)
Ron Peacetree