Hi, I am having trouble understanding why a seqscan is chosen for this query. In practice the seqscan is very expensive, whereas the nested loop is usually quite fast, even with several hundred rows returned from meta_keywords_url. The server is running version 8.1.3, and both tables were analyzed recently. meta_keywords contains around 25% dead rows, meta_keywords_url contains no dead rows. I have included the query written both as a subquery and as a join. Thanks for any assistance! Brian live=> explain select * from meta_keywords where url_id in (select url_id from meta_keywords_url where host = 'postgresql.org'); QUERY PLAN --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hash IN Join (cost=1755.79..545380.52 rows=9442 width=29) Hash Cond: ("outer".url_id = "inner".url_id) -> Seq Scan on meta_keywords (cost=0.00..507976.54 rows=7110754 width=29) -> Hash (cost=1754.35..1754.35 rows=576 width=4) -> Bitmap Heap Scan on meta_keywords_url (cost=11.02..1754.35 rows=576 width=4) Recheck Cond: ((host)::text = 'postgresql.org'::text) -> Bitmap Index Scan on meta_keywords_url_host_path (cost=0.00..11.02 rows=576 width=0) Index Cond: ((host)::text = 'postgresql.org'::text) (8 rows) live=> set enable_seqscan=off; SET live=> explain select * from meta_keywords where url_id in (select url_id from meta_keywords_url where host = 'postgresql.org'); QUERY PLAN --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nested Loop (cost=1755.79..3161748.83 rows=9442 width=29) -> HashAggregate (cost=1755.79..1761.55 rows=576 width=4) -> Bitmap Heap Scan on meta_keywords_url (cost=11.02..1754.35 rows=576 width=4) Recheck Cond: ((host)::text = 'postgresql.org'::text) -> Bitmap Index Scan on meta_keywords_url_host_path (cost=0.00..11.02 rows=576 width=0) Index Cond: ((host)::text = 'postgresql.org'::text) -> Index Scan using meta_keywords_url_id on meta_keywords (cost=0.00..5453.28 rows=2625 width=29) Index Cond: (meta_keywords.url_id = "outer".url_id) (8 rows) live=> explain select * from meta_keywords join meta_keywords_url using (url_id) where host = 'postgresql.org'; QUERY PLAN --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hash Join (cost=1758.52..543685.43 rows=9297 width=107) Hash Cond: ("outer".url_id = "inner".url_id) -> Seq Scan on meta_keywords (cost=0.00..506859.29 rows=6994929 width=28) -> Hash (cost=1757.08..1757.08 rows=577 width=83) -> Bitmap Heap Scan on meta_keywords_url (cost=11.02..1757.08 rows=577 width=83) Recheck Cond: ((host)::text = 'postgresql.org'::text) -> Bitmap Index Scan on meta_keywords_url_host_path (cost=0.00..11.02 rows=577 width=0) Index Cond: ((host)::text = 'postgresql.org'::text) (8 rows) live=> set enable_seqscan=off; SET live=> explain select * from meta_keywords join meta_keywords_url using (url_id) where host = 'postgresql.org'; QUERY PLAN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nested Loop (cost=0.00..3348211.21 rows=9297 width=107) -> Index Scan using meta_keywords_url_host_path on meta_keywords_url (cost=0.00..2230.24 rows=577 width=83) Index Cond: ((host)::text = 'postgresql.org'::text) -> Index Scan using meta_keywords_url_id on meta_keywords (cost=0.00..5765.81 rows=2649 width=28) Index Cond: (meta_keywords.url_id = "outer".url_id) (5 rows)