On 1/17/07, Kevin Hunter <hunteke@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hello List, Not sure to which list I should post (gray lines, and all that), so point me in the right direction if'n it's a problem. I am in the process of learning some of the art/science of benchmarking. Given novnov's recent post about the comparison of MS SQL vs PostgresQL, I felt it time to do a benchmark comparison of sorts for myself . . . more for me and the benchmark learning process than the DB's, but I'm interested in DB's in general, so it's a good fit. (If I find anything interesting/new, I will of course share the results.)
Just remember that all the major commercial databases have anti-benchmark clauses in their license agreements. So, if you decide to publish your results (especially in a formal benchmark), you can't mention the big boys by name. [yes this is cowardice] merlin