I don't think I understand the idea behind this query. Do you really need billing_reports twice? > The query: > explain analyze select > w.appid,w.rate,w.is_subscribed,sum(w.hits) AS Hits ,sum(w.sius) AS IUs, > sum(w.total_amnt) AS Total,sum(w.hits) * w.rate AS ByHits, > sum(w.sius) * w.rate AS BYIUS > from bill_rpt_work w, billing_reports b > where w.report_id in > (select b.report_id from billing_reports where b.report_s_date = > '2006-09-30') > and (w.client_id = '227400001' or w.client_id = '2274000010') > group by 1,2,3 > order by 1,2,3; Maybe this is the query you want instead? select w.appid, w.rate, w.is_subscribed, sum(w.hits) AS Hits, sum(w.sius) AS IUs, sum(w.total_amnt) AS Total, sum(w.hits) * w.rate AS ByHits, sum(w.sius) * w.rate AS BYIUS from bill_rpt_work w where w.report_id in (select b.report_id from billing_reports b where b.report_s_date = '2006-09-30') and (w.client_id = '227400001' or w.client_id = '2274000010') group by 1,2,3 order by 1,2,3; /Dennis