So, my questions: Is it possible to use COPY FROM STDIN with JDBC?
Should be. Its at least possible using DBI and DBD::Pg (perl) my $copy_sth = $dbh -> prepare( "COPY general.datamining_mailing_lists (query_id,email_key) FROM STDIN;") ; $copy_sth -> execute(); while (my ($email_key ) = $fetch_sth -> fetchrow_array ()) { $dbh -> func("$query_id\t$email_key\n", 'putline'); } $fetch_sth -> finish(); $dbh -> func("\\.\n", 'putline'); $dbh -> func('endcopy'); $copy_sth->finish(); Some JDBC expert would tell better how its done with JDBC.
Will it bring performance improvement compared to SELECT UNION solution?
COPY is quite faast. Regds mallah.
many thanks in advance, Jens Schipkowski -- ** APUS Software GmbH ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate subscribe-nomail command to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx so that your message can get through to the mailing list cleanly