Pretty sure. When I ran the queries I was in psql. I ran the first
query. Then I pressed the up arrow to re-run the same query. I did
not notice that about the rows. Might reindexing be in order?
On Jul 14, 2005, at 7:22 AM, Ragnar Hafstað wrote:
On Thu, 2005-07-14 at 10:06 +1000, Marc McIntyre wrote:
I'm having a problem with a query that performs a sequential scan
on a
table when it should be performing an index scan. The interesting
is, when we dumped the database on another server, it performed an
scan on that server.
The EXPLAIN ANALYZE from the system performing an sequential scan:
Sort (cost=30079.79..30079.89 rows=42 width=113) (actual
time=39889.989..39890.346 rows=260 loops=1)
The EXPLAIN ANALYZE from the system performing an index scan scan:
Sort (cost=16873.64..16873.74 rows=40 width=113) (actual
time=2169.905..2169.912 rows=13 loops=1)
looks like the first query is returning 260 rows,
but the second one 13
this may not be your problem, but are you sure you are using the same
query on the same data here ?
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TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster