Mario Weilguni wrote:
  contacto varchar(255),
  fuente varchar(512),
  prefijopais varchar(10)
Instead, use:
  contacto text,
  fuente text,
  prefijopais text
See the PostgreSQL manual for an explanation of varchar vs. text.
Enforcing length constraints with varchar(xyz) is good database design, not a
bad one. Using text everywhere might be tempting because it works, but it's
not a good idea.
I've always used the rationale:
If you *know* that the data is length constrained, then it is ok to
reflect this in the domain you use - err, thats why they have length
limits! e.g. if you know that 'prefijopais' can *never* be > 10 chars in
length, then varchar(10) is a good choice.
If the data length is unknown or known to be unlimited, then reflect
that in the domain you use - e.g if 'fuente' or 'contacto' have no
reason to be constrained, then just use text.
best wishes