Some very helpful people had asked that I post the troublesome code that was generated by my import program. I installed a SQL log feature in my import program. I have posted samples of the SQL statements that cause the biggest delays. Thanks for all of your help. Carlo ---------- Sample 1: This one is very expensive on my system. ---------- select f.facility_id, provider_practice_id from mdx_core.provider_practice as pp join mdx_core.facility as f on f.facility_id = pp.facility_id join mdx_core.facility_address as fa on fa.facility_id = pp.facility_id join mdx_core.address as a on a.address_id = fa.address_id where pp.provider_id = 1411311 and f.facility_type_code != 'P' and ( pp.facility_address_id is not null and a.state_code = 'NY' and '10001-2382' = a.postal_code||'%' and = 'New York' ) or ( f.default_state_code = 'NY' and '10001-2382' like f.default_postal_code||'%' and f.default_city = 'New York' ) limit 1 Limit (cost=3899.18..32935.21 rows=1 width=8) -> Hash Join (cost=3899.18..91007.27 rows=3 width=8) Hash Cond: ("outer".address_id = "inner".address_id) Join Filter: ((("outer".provider_id = 1411311) AND ("outer".facility_type_code <> 'P'::bpchar) AND ("outer".facility_address_id IS NOT NULL) AND (("inner".state_code)::text = 'NY'::text) AND ('10001-2382'::text = (("inner".postal_code)::text || '%'::text)) AND (("inner".city)::text = 'New York'::text)) OR (("outer".default_state_code = 'NY'::bpchar) AND ('10001-2382'::text ~~ (("outer".default_postal_code)::text || '%'::text)) AND (("outer".default_city)::text = 'New York'::text))) -> Merge Join (cost=0.00..50589.20 rows=695598 width=57) Merge Cond: ("outer".facility_id = "inner".facility_id) -> Merge Join (cost=0.00..16873.90 rows=128268 width=49) Merge Cond: ("outer".facility_id = "inner".facility_id) -> Index Scan using facility_pkey on facility f (cost=0.00..13590.18 rows=162525 width=41) -> Index Scan using facility_address_facility_idx on facility_address fa (cost=0.00..4254.46 rows=128268 width=8) -> Index Scan using provider_practice_facility_idx on provider_practice pp (cost=0.00..28718.27 rows=452129 width=16) -> Hash (cost=3650.54..3650.54 rows=99454 width=36) -> Seq Scan on address a (cost=0.00..3650.54 rows=99454 width=36) ---------- Sample 2: This one includes a call to a custom function which performs lexical comparisons and returns a rating on the likelihood that the company names refer to the same facility. Replacing the code: mdx_lib.lex_compare('Vhs Acquisition Subsidiary Number 3 Inc', name) as comp with 1 as comp -- to avoid the function call only shaved a fragment off the execution time, which leads me to believe my problem is in the SQL structure itself. ---------- select mdx_lib.lex_compare('Vhs Acquisition Subsidiary Number 3 Inc', name) as comp, facil.* from ( select f.facility_id, fa.facility_address_id, a.address_id, f.facility_type_code,, a.address,, a.state_code, a.postal_code, a.country_code from mdx_core.facility as f join mdx_core.facility_address as fa on fa.facility_id = f.facility_id join mdx_core.address as a on a.address_id = fa.address_id where facility_address_id is not null and a.country_code = 'US' and a.state_code = 'IL' and '60640-5759' like a.postal_code||'%' union select f.facility_id, null as facility_address_id, null as address_id, f.facility_type_code,, null as address, f.default_city as city, f.default_state_code as state_code, f.default_postal_code as postal_code, f.default_country_code as country_code from mdx_core.facility as f left outer join mdx_core.facility_address as fa on fa.facility_id = f.facility_id where facility_address_id is null and f.default_country_code = 'US' and '60640-5759' like f.default_postal_code||'%' ) as facil order by comp Sort (cost=20595.92..20598.01 rows=834 width=236) Sort Key: mdx_lib.lex_compare('Vhs Acquisition Subsidiary Number 3 Inc'::text, (name)::text) -> Subquery Scan facil (cost=20522.10..20555.46 rows=834 width=236) -> Unique (cost=20522.10..20545.03 rows=834 width=103) -> Sort (cost=20522.10..20524.18 rows=834 width=103) Sort Key: facility_id, facility_address_id, address_id, facility_type_code, name, address, city, state_code, postal_code, country_code -> Append (cost=4645.12..20481.63 rows=834 width=103) -> Nested Loop (cost=4645.12..8381.36 rows=21 width=103) -> Hash Join (cost=4645.12..8301.35 rows=21 width=72) Hash Cond: ("outer".address_id = "inner".address_id) -> Seq Scan on facility_address fa (cost=0.00..3014.68 rows=128268 width=12) Filter: (facility_address_id IS NOT NULL) -> Hash (cost=4645.08..4645.08 rows=16 width=64) -> Seq Scan on address a (cost=0.00..4645.08 rows=16 width=64) Filter: ((country_code = 'US'::bpchar) AND ((state_code)::text = 'IL'::text) AND ('60640-5759'::text ~~ ((postal_code)::text || '%'::text))) -> Index Scan using facility_pkey on facility f (cost=0.00..3.80 rows=1 width=35) Index Cond: ("outer".facility_id = f.facility_id) -> Subquery Scan "*SELECT* 2" (cost=0.00..12100.07 rows=813 width=73) -> Nested Loop Left Join (cost=0.00..12091.94 rows=813 width=73) Filter: ("inner".facility_address_id IS NULL) -> Seq Scan on facility f (cost=0.00..8829.19 rows=813 width=73) Filter: ((default_country_code = 'US'::bpchar) AND ('60640-5759'::text ~~ ((default_postal_code)::text || '%'::text))) -> Index Scan using facility_address_facility_idx on facility_address fa (cost=0.00..3.99 rows=2 width=8) Index Cond: (fa.facility_id = "outer".facility_id)