Re: Optimize SQL

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That query is generated by hibernate, right?

-----Original Message-----
From: pgsql-performance-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:pgsql-performance-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Pallav
Sent: den 15 september 2006 17:10
To: pgsql-performance@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [PERFORM] Optimize SQL


   Is there anyway we can optimize this sql ? it is doing full table
scan on listing and address table . Postgres version 8.0.2


explain analyze
select listing0_.listingid as col_0_0_, getmaxdate(listing0_.lastupdate,
max(addressval2_.createdate)) as col_1_0_ from listing.listing listing0_
left outer join listing.address listingadd1_ on
left outer join listing.addressvaluation addressval2_ on
where listing0_.lastupdate>'2006-09-15 08:31:26.927'
and listing0_.lastupdate<=current_timestamp
or addressval2_.createdate>'2006-09-15 08:31:26.927' and
group by listing0_.listingid , listing0_.lastupdate order by
getmaxdate(listing0_.lastupdate, max(addressval2_.createdate)) asc limit

Limit  (cost=2399501.49..2399501.51 rows=10 width=20) (actual
time=414298.076..414298.174 rows=10 loops=1)
   ->  Sort  (cost=2399501.49..2410707.32 rows=4482333 width=20) (actual
time=414298.068..414298.098 rows=10 loops=1)
         Sort Key: getmaxdate(listing0_.lastupdate,
         ->  GroupAggregate  (cost=1784490.47..1851725.47 rows=4482333
width=20) (actual time=414212.926..414284.927 rows=2559 loops=1)
               ->  Sort  (cost=1784490.47..1795696.31 rows=4482333
width=20) (actual time=414174.678..414183.536 rows=2563 loops=1)
                     Sort Key: listing0_.listingid, listing0_.lastupdate
                     ->  Merge Right Join  (cost=1113947.32..1236714.45
rows=4482333 width=20) (actual time=273257.256..414163.920 rows=2563
                           Merge Cond: ("outer".fkaddressid =
                           Filter: ((("inner".lastupdate > '2006-09-15
08:31:26.927'::timestamp without time zone) AND ("inner".lastupdate <=
('now'::text)::timestamp(6) with time zone)) OR (("outer".createdate >
'2006-09-15 08:31:26.927'::timestamp without time zone) AND
("outer".createdate <= ('now'::text)::timestamp(6) with time zone)))
                           ->  Index Scan using
idx_addressvaluation_fkaddressid on addressvaluation addressval2_
(cost=0.00..79769.55 rows=947056 width=12) (actual
time=0.120..108240.633 rows=960834 loops=1)
                           ->  Sort  (cost=1113947.32..1125153.15
rows=4482333 width=16) (actual time=256884.646..275823.217 rows=5669719
                                 Sort Key: listingadd1_.addressid
                                 ->  Hash Left Join
(cost=228115.38..570557.39 rows=4482333 width=16) (actual
time=93874.356..205054.946 rows=4490963 loops=1)
                                       Hash Cond:
("outer".fkbestaddressid = "inner".addressid)
                                       ->  Seq Scan on listing listing0_
(cost=0.00..112111.33 rows=4482333 width=16) (actual
time=0.026..25398.685 rows=4490963 loops=1)
                                       ->  Hash
(cost=183333.70..183333.70 rows=6990270 width=4) (actual
time=93873.659..93873.659 rows=0 loops=1)
                                             ->  Seq Scan on address
listingadd1_  (cost=0.00..183333.70 rows=6990270 width=4) (actual
time=13.256..69441.056 rows=6990606 loops=1)

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