On 9/14/06, Jérôme BENOIS <benois@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Yes i have a lot of users ;-)
So your work_mem is probably far too high (that's what I told you in my first message) and you probably swap when you have too many users. Remember that work_mem can be used several times per query (and it's especially the case when you have a lot of sorts). When your load is high, check your swap activity and your io/wait. top gives you these information. If you swap, lower your work_mem to 32 MB for example then see if it's enough for your queries to run fast (you can check if there are files created in the $PGDATA/base/<your database oid>/pg_tmp) and if it doesn't swap. Retry with a lower/higher value to find the one that fits best to your queries and load.
I agree but by moment DB Server is so slow.
Yep, that's the information that was missing :).
what's means "HT" please ?
Hyper threading. It's usually not recommended to enable it on PostgreSQL servers. On most servers, you can disable it directly in the BIOS. -- Guillaume