First of all you are going to have to show use what these queries are
exactly, what the machine is you are running on (CPU, memory, and
disk) , and how you have tuned it.
slow is a relative term.. we need information to determine what
"slow" means.
On 13-Sep-06, at 8:50 AM, yoav x wrote:
So why are these queries so slow in PG?
--- Dave Cramer <pg@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
All of the tuning parameters would affect all queries
shared buffers, wal buffers, effective cache, to name a few
On 13-Sep-06, at 8:24 AM, yoav x wrote:
I am trying to run sql-bench against PostgreSQL 8.1.4 on Linux.
Some of the insert tests seems to be ver slow
For example: select_join_in
Are there any tuning parameters that can be changed to speed these
queries? Or are these queries
especially tuned to show MySQL's stgrenths?
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TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do
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