On 31-Aug-06, at 1:54 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
"Indika Maligaspe" <indika@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
The problem is when we are querying a specific set of table (which
tables having over 100K of rows), the Postgres user process takes
over or
close 700MB of memory. This is just to return 3000 odd rows. Even
though we
have lot of data we still do not have that much to eat up this
much of
Playing with server-side settings won't have the slightest effect on a
client-side problem. I'd suggest asking about this on the pgsql-jdbc
list; they are more likely to have useful suggestions than backend
hackers will.
What is the query here. I doubt this is a client side problem, as we
are still looking at the server side processes, not the java
processes here.
Also your memory settings are *way* too low
regards, tom lane
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