Identifying bloated tables

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I just put together a view, which helps us in indentifying which database tables are suffering from space bloat, ie. they take up much more space than they actually should. I though this might be useful for some folk here, because the questions about bloat-related performance degradation are quite common.

When using this view, you are interested in tables, which have the "bloat" column higher that say 2.0 (in freshly dump/restored/analyzed database they should all be around 1.0).

The bloat problem can be one-time fixed either by VACUUM FULL or CLUSTER, but if the problem is coming back after while, you should consider doing VACUUM more often or increasing you FSM settings in postgresql.conf.

I hope I did the view right, it is more or less accurate, for our purposes (for tables of just few pages the numbers may be off, but then again, you are usually not much concerned about these tiny 5-page tables performance-wise).

Hope this helps someone.

Here comes the view.

CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW "public"."relbloat" (
SELECT pg_namespace.nspname, pg_class.relname, pg_class.reltuples,
    pg_class.relpages, rowwidths.avgwidth, ceil(((pg_class.reltuples *
    (rowwidths.avgwidth)::double precision) /
(current_setting('block_size'::text))::double precision)) AS expectedpages,
    ((pg_class.relpages)::double precision / ceil(((pg_class.reltuples *
    (rowwidths.avgwidth)::double precision) /
    (current_setting('block_size'::text))::double precision))) AS bloat,
    ceil(((((pg_class.relpages)::double precision *
    (current_setting('block_size'::text))::double precision) -
    ceil((pg_class.reltuples * (rowwidths.avgwidth)::double precision))) /
    (1024)::double precision)) AS wastedspace
FROM (((
    SELECT pg_statistic.starelid, sum(pg_statistic.stawidth) AS avgwidth
    FROM pg_statistic
    GROUP BY pg_statistic.starelid
) rowwidths JOIN pg_class ON ((rowwidths.starelid = pg_class.oid))) JOIN
        pg_namespace ON ((pg_namespace.oid = pg_class.relnamespace)))
WHERE (pg_class.relpages > 1);


Michal Táborský
IT operations chief
Internet Mall, a.s.

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