Hello All, This query runs forever and ever. Nature of this table being lots of inserts/deletes/query, I vacuum it every half hour to keep the holes reusable and nightly once vacuum analyze to update the optimizer. We've got index on eventtime only. Running it for current day uses index range scan and it runs within acceptable time. Below is the explain of the query. Is the order by sequencenum desc prevents from applying limit optimization? explain SELECT * FROM EVENTLOG WHERE EVENTTIME>'07/23/06 16:00:00' AND EVENTTIME<'08/22/06 16:00:00' AND (OBJDOMAINID='tzRh39d0d91luNGT1weIUjLvFIcA' OR OBJID='tzRh39d0d91luNGT1weIUjLvFIcA' OR USERDOMAINID='tzRh39d0d91luNGT1weIUjLvFIcA') ORDER BY EVENTTIME DESC, SEQUENCENUM DESC LIMIT 500 OFFSET 0; QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------- Limit (cost=15546930.29..15546931.54 rows=500 width=327) -> Sort (cost=15546930.29..15581924.84 rows=13997819 width=327) Sort Key: eventtime, sequencenum -> Seq Scan on eventlog (cost=0.00..2332700.25 rows=13997819 width=327) Filter: ((eventtime > '2006-07-23 16:00:00'::timestamp without time zone) AND (eventtime < '2006-08-22 16:00:00'::timestamp without time zone) AND (((objdomainid)::text = 'tzRh39d0d91luNGT1weIUjLvFIcA'::text) OR ((objid)::text = 'tzRh39d0d91luNGT1weIUjLvFIcA'::text) OR ((userdomainid)::text = 'tzRh39d0d91luNGT1weIUjLvFIcA'::text))) (5 rows) Thanks, Stalin Pg version 8.0.1, suse 64bit.