Re: Vacuum not identifying rows for removal..

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Any ideas of how to identify the application process that is the
postgres process (whose id I know).  Perhaps I need to turn on a
different log flag?

select * from pg_stat_activity will give you the pid :)

Joshua D. Drake



-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Lane [mailto:tgl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] Sent: Monday, August 21, 2006 2:06 PM
To: Eamonn Kent
Cc: pgsql-performance@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [PERFORM] Vacuum not identifying rows for removal..
"Eamonn Kent" <ekent@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
I am using PostgreSQL 8.1.4 for an embedded application.  For some
reason, vacuum is not able to identify rows that are candidates for
removal (i.e., mark space as available).
We run auto vacuum and I can see from the logs that it is running
frequently. When I run vacuum full from the psql, I can see that space
is not being recovered.  I have run vacuum full with the verbose flag
set, I can see that messages that indicate the existence of "dead row
versions that cannot be removed yet.

This means you've got an open transaction somewhere that could
potentially still be able to see those rows.  Look around for
applications sitting "idle in transaction".

			regards, tom lane

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
       choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not


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