Hi Nicky,
Did you tried to create an index to avoid the sequential scans?
Seq Scan on src_faktuur_verrsec t0...
I think, you should try
CREATE INDEX src.src_faktuur_verrsec_codesubstr ON
src.src_faktuur_verrsec (substr(src.src_faktuur_verrsec.code,1,2))
nicky schrieb:
Hello again,
thanks for all the quick replies.
It seems i wasn't entirely correct on my previous post, i've mixed up
some times/numbers.
Below the correct numbers
MSSQL: SELECT COUNT(*) from JOIN (without insert) 17 minutes
PostgreSQL: SELECT COUNT(*) from JOIN (without insert) 33 minutes
PostgreSQL: complete query 55 minutes
<snip snip snip>
A lot of improvement also in the select count: 33 minutes vs 10 minutes.
To us, the speeds are good. Very happy with the performance increase on
that select with join, since 90% of the queries are SELECT based.
The query results in 7551616 records, so that's about 4500 inserts per
second. I'm not sure if that is fast or not. Any further tips would be