Dave, Joshua, Scott (and all), Thanks for your feedback, while I do appreciate it, I did not intent on making this discussion "buy this instead"...I whole-heartly agree with you. Joshua, you made the best comment, it is a business decision for the client. I don't agree with it, but I understand it. I've recommended Sun or Penguin Computing which I've had no technical issues with. They did not dispute my recommendation but they ignored it. I have not like Dell, on the server side, since 1998 - 2000 time period. Excluding Dell's issues, has anyone seen performance differences between AMD's Opteron and Intel's new Xeon's (dual or quad CPU or dual-core). If anyone has done benchmark comparisons between them, any summary information would be appreciated. For now, I am asking the client to hold-off and wait for the AMD Opteron availability on the Dell servers. Thanks again. Steve