Jonah H. Harris wrote:
On 6/12/06, Ruben Rubio Rey <ruben@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I have two similar servers, one in production and another
for testing purposes. In testing server ~1sec ... in
production ~50 secs
What ver of PostgreSQL?
Version 8.1.3
Same ver on both systems?
Are there any
locks currently held on the resources needed in your Production
How to check it?
Have you analyzed both databases?
I have restores testing server today. Full Analyce included.
Production server all nights is done. (i have posted the script in other
message to the mailing list)
Any sequential scans
In the table, there is several scans.
vacadb=# \d grupoforo
Table "public.grupoforo"
Column | Type
| Modifiers
idmensaje | integer | not null default
idusuario | integer | not null
idgrupo | integer | not null
idmensajetema | integer | not null default -1
mensaje | character varying(4000) |
asunto | character varying(255) | not null
fechalocal | timestamp without time zone | default now()
webenabled | integer | not null default 1
por | character varying(255) |
estadocomentario | character(1) | default 'D'::bpchar
idlenguaje | character(2) | default 'ES'::bpchar
fechacreacion | timestamp without time zone | default now()
hijos | integer |
hijoreciente | timestamp without time zone |
valoracion | integer | default 0
codigo | character varying(100) |
"pk_grupoforo" PRIMARY KEY, btree (idmensaje)
"grupoforo_asunto_idx" btree (asunto)
"grupoforo_codigo_idx" btree (codigo)
"grupoforo_estadocomentario_idx" btree (estadocomentario)
"grupoforo_idgrupo_idx" btree (idgrupo)
"grupoforo_idlenguaje_idx" btree (idlenguaje)
"grupoforo_idmensajetema_idx" btree (idmensajetema)
"grupoforo_idusuario_idx" btree (idusuario)
"idx_grupoforo_webenabled" btree (webenabled)
If so, have you vacuumed?
Send the explain analyze from your test database.
Tomorrow morning i ll send it ... now it could be a disaster ...