Re: How can I make this query faster (resend)

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On Fri, May 19, 2006 at 03:56:49PM -0700, Cstdenis wrote:
> (Its been a hour and I dont see my message on the list so I'm sending it again. I've moved the queries and analyze out of the email incase it was rejected because too long)
> query:
> In the pictures table all the ratings have a shared index 
> CREATE INDEX idx_rating ON pictures USING btree  (rating_nudity, rating_violence, rating_sex, rating_racism, rating_spoilers, rating_yaoi, rating_yuri, rating_profanity);
> and approved and date_submitted and user_id also have their own btree indexes.
> In the picture_categories table pid and cat_id have their own btree indices plus one together. 
> Full table definition:
> the cat_id and rating values vary from query to query. The one listed above took 54 seconds in a test run just now. Here is explain analyze:
pictures is the interesting table here. It looks like the planner would
do better to choose something other than a nested loop on it. Try
running EXPLAIN ANALYZE on the query with enable_nestloop=off and see
what you get (you'll need to compare it to what you get with
enable_nestloop on to see what the change is).

> Both pictures and picture categories have about 287,000 rows
> This query needs to run in under about a second or it kills my site by clogging apache slots (apache maxes out at 256 and I can have several hundred people on my site at a time). How can I make it run faster?
> Server is a dual xeon with a gig of ram dedicated mostly to postgresql.
> Here is the changed lines in my postgresql.conf:

I suspect the low work_mem may be why it's using a nested loop. In
addition to the test above, it would be interesting to see what happens
to the plan if you set work_mem to 10000.

To be honest, you're pushing things expecting a machine with only 1G to
serve 300 active connections. How large is the database itself?

> I know hyperthreading is considered something that can slow down a server but with my very high concurancy (averages about 400-500 concurant users during peak hours) I am hoping the extra virtual CPUs wil help. Anyone have experance that says diferent at high concurancy?

Best bet is to try it and see. Generally, people find HT hurts, but I
recently saw it double the performance of pgbench on a windows XP
machine, so it's possible that windows is just more clever about how to
use it than linux is.
Jim C. Nasby, Sr. Engineering Consultant      jnasby@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Pervasive Software    work: 512-231-6117
vcard:       cell: 512-569-9461

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