Re: Performs WAY better with enable_seqscan = off

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is there some reason for the complicated form of the
join conditions in the subselect?

Yes, the simpler form query definitely works, but it's not always as fast as the index version with the complicated join syntax. Although even that query varies significantly with different category_id values. Not sure why. Sometimes it finishes in 150 ms, other times it takes over a second.

Here's the explain plan from your query:

explain analyze select ac.attribute_id,, ac.sort_order from attribute_category ac, localized_attribute la where ac.category_id = 1001402 and la.locale_id = 1000001 and ac.is_browsable = 'true' and la.attribute_id = ac.attribute_id and exists (select 'x' from product_attribute_value pav, category_product cp where pav.product_id = cp.product_id and pav.attribute_id = ac.attribute_id and pav.status_code is null and cp.category_id= '1001402' and cp.is_visible = 'true') order by ac.sort_order, asc; QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------- Sort (cost=6343.18..6343.20 rows=7 width=34) (actual time=2244.241..2244.242 rows=2 loops=1)
   Sort Key: ac.sort_order,
-> Nested Loop (cost=2.00..6343.08 rows=7 width=34) (actual time=1831.970..2244.209 rows=2 loops=1) -> Index Scan using attribute_category__category_id_fk_idx on attribute_category ac (cost=0.00..6321.95 rows=7 width=8) (actual time=1831.938..2244.142 rows=2 loops=1)
               Index Cond: (category_id = 1001402)
Filter: (((is_browsable)::text = 'true'::text) AND (subplan))
-> Nested Loop (cost=2.00..10458.04 rows=30 width=0) (actual time=320.572..320.572 rows=0 loops=7) -> Index Scan using product_attribute_value__attribute_id_fk_idx on product_attribute_value pav (cost=0.00..2661.39 rows=2572 width=4) (actual time=0.020..33.589 rows=18468 loops=7)
                             Index Cond: (attribute_id = $0)
                             Filter: (status_code IS NULL)
-> Bitmap Heap Scan on category_product cp (cost=2.00..3.02 rows=1 width=4) (actual time=0.011..0.011 rows=0 loops=129274) Recheck Cond: ("outer".product_id = cp.product_id) Filter: ((category_id = 1001402) AND ((is_visible)::text = 'true'::text)) -> Bitmap Index Scan on x_category_product__product_id_fk_idx (cost=0.00..2.00 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.008..0.008 rows=1 loops=129274) Index Cond: ("outer".product_id = cp.product_id) -> Bitmap Heap Scan on localized_attribute la (cost=2.00..3.01 rows=1 width=30) (actual time=0.019..0.019 rows=1 loops=2)
               Recheck Cond: (la.attribute_id = "outer".attribute_id)
               Filter: (locale_id = 1000001)
-> Bitmap Index Scan on localized_attribute__attribute_id_fk_idx (cost=0.00..2.00 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.015..0.015 rows=1 loops=2) Index Cond: (la.attribute_id = "outer".attribute_id)
Total runtime: 2244.542 ms

Here's the schema for the two tables involved with the sub-select:

 \d category_product;
             Table "public.category_product"
       Column        |          Type          | Modifiers
category_id         | integer                | not null
product_id          | integer                | not null
en_name_sort_order  | integer                |
fr_name_sort_order  | integer                |
merchant_sort_order | integer                |
price_sort_order    | integer                |
merchant_count      | integer                |
is_active           | character varying(5)   |
product_is_active   | character varying(5)   |
product_status_code | character varying(32)  |
product_name_en     | character varying(512) |
product_name_fr     | character varying(512) |
product_click_count | integer                |
is_visible          | character varying(5)   |
is_pending_visible  | character varying(5)   |
min_price_cad       | numeric(12,4)          |
max_price_cad       | numeric(12,4)          |
"x_category_product_pk" PRIMARY KEY, btree (category_id, product_id) "category_product__cat_id_is_visible_idx" btree (((category_id::text || '.'::text) || is_visible::text)) "category_product__cat_id_prod_is_act_status_idx" btree (category_id, product_is_active, product_status_code) "category_product__category_id_is_active_and_status_idx" btree (category_id, product_is_active, product_status_code)
    "category_product__is_active_idx" btree (is_active)
"category_product__lower_product_name_en_idx" btree (lower (product_name_en::text)) "category_product__lower_product_name_fr_idx" btree (lower (product_name_fr::text)) "category_product__merchant_sort_order_idx" btree (merchant_sort_order)
    "category_product__min_price_cad_idx" btree (min_price_cad)
"category_product__product_id_category_id_status_idx" btree (product_id, category_id, product_is_active, product_status_code) "x_category_product__category_id_fk_idx" btree (category_id) CLUSTER
    "x_category_product__product_id_fk_idx" btree (product_id)
Foreign-key constraints:
"x_category_product_category_fk" FOREIGN KEY (category_id) REFERENCES category(category_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED "x_category_product_product_fk" FOREIGN KEY (product_id) REFERENCES product(product_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED


\d product_attribute_value
             Table "public.product_attribute_value"
           Column           |         Type          | Modifiers
attribute_id               | integer               | not null
attribute_unit_id          | integer               |
attribute_value_id         | integer               |
boolean_value              | character varying(5)  |
decimal_value              | numeric(30,10)        |
product_attribute_value_id | integer               | not null
product_id                 | integer               | not null
product_reference_id       | integer               |
status_code                | character varying(32) |
"product_attribute_value_pk" PRIMARY KEY, btree (product_attribute_value_id)
    "product_attribute_value__attribute_id_fk_idx" btree (attribute_id)
"product_attribute_value__attribute_unit_id_fk_idx" btree (attribute_unit_id) "product_attribute_value__attribute_value_id_fk_idx" btree (attribute_value_id) "product_attribute_value__normalized_value_idx" btree (normalized_value(decimal_value, attribute_unit_id)) "product_attribute_value__prod_id_att_id_status_is_null_ids" btree (((product_id::text || '.'::text) || attribute_id::text)) WHERE status_code IS NULL "product_attribute_value__prod_id_att_val_id_status_is_null_idx" btree (((product_id::text || '.'::text) || attribute_value_id::text)) WHERE status_code IS NULL "product_attribute_value__product_id_fk_idx" btree (product_id) CLUSTER "product_attribute_value__product_reference_id_fk_idx" btree (product_reference_id)
Foreign-key constraints:
"product_attribute_value_attribute_fk" FOREIGN KEY (attribute_id) REFERENCES attribute(attribute_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED "product_attribute_value_attributeunit_fk" FOREIGN KEY (attribute_unit_id) REFERENCES attribute_unit(attribute_unit_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED "product_attribute_value_attributevalue_fk" FOREIGN KEY (attribute_value_id) REFERENCES attribute_value(attribute_value_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED "product_attribute_value_product_fk" FOREIGN KEY (product_id) REFERENCES product(product_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED "product_attribute_value_productreference_fk" FOREIGN KEY (product_reference_id) REFERENCES product(product_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED

When the query planner uses the indexes with the concatenated values and the where clause, the query can be sub-second response times (but not always depending on the category_id value). By just doing a regular join as you suggested, it's always slower. The trick is getting Postgres to use the proper index all the time. And so far the only way I can do that is by turning off sequential scans, but that's something I didn't want to do because I don't know how it would affect the performance of the rest of my application.

Just a note, I have random_page_cost set to 1 to try and get it to favour index scans. The database machine has 8GB of RAM and I have effective_cache_size set to 2/3 of that.


Brendan Duddridge | CTO | 403-277-5591 x24 |  brendan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

ClickSpace Interactive Inc.
Suite L100, 239 - 10th Ave. SE
Calgary, AB  T2G 0V9

On May 21, 2006, at 4:50 AM, Ragnar wrote:

On sun, 2006-05-21 at 02:21 -0600, Brendan Duddridge wrote:

I have a query that performs WAY better when I have enable_seqscan =

explain analyze select ac.attribute_id,, ac.sort_order from
attribute_category ac, localized_attribute la where ac.category_id =
1001402 and la.locale_id = 1000001 and ac.is_browsable = 'true' and
la.attribute_id = ac.attribute_id and exists ( select 'x' from
product_attribute_value pav, category_product cp where (pav.product_id
|| '.' || pav.attribute_id) = (cp.product_id || '.' ||
ac.attribute_id) and pav.status_code is null and (cp.category_id ||
'.' || cp.is_visible) = '1001402.true') order by (ac.sort_order is
null), ac.sort_order, asc;

is there some reason for the complicated form of the
join conditions in the subselect?

would this not be clearer:

explain analyze
  select ac.attribute_id,,
  from attribute_category ac,
       localized_attribute la
  where ac.category_id = 1001402
        and la.locale_id = 1000001
        and ac.is_browsable = 'true'
        and la.attribute_id = ac.attribute_id
        and exists
          (select 'x' from product_attribute_value pav,
                           category_product cp
           where pav.product_id = cp.product_id
                 and pav.attribute_id = ac.attribute_id
                 and pav.status_code is null
                 and cp.category_id= '1001402'
                 and cp.is_visible = 'true'
   order by (ac.sort_order is null),

possibly the planner would have a better time
figuring out if any indexes are usable or estimating
the subselect rowcount


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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