Re: Benchmarck PostgreSQL 8.1.4 MySQL 5.0.20 and Oracle 10g2

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That fsync off would make me very unhappy in a production environment .... not that turning it on would help postgres, but ... one advantage of postgres is its reliability under a "pull the plug" scenario, but this setting defeats that.

FWIW, Xeon has gotten quite negative reviews in these quarters (Opteron seems to do way better), IIRC, and I know we've had issues with Dell's disk i/o, admittedly on a different box.

Quite interesting results, even if a bit disappointing to a (newly minted) fan of postgres. I'll be quite interested to hear more. Thanks for the work, although it seems like some of it won;t be able to released, unless Oracle has given some new blessing to releasing benchmark results.

Greg Williamson
GlobeXplorer LLC
-----Original Message-----
From:	pgsql-performance-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx on behalf of Olivier Andreotti
Sent:	Thu 5/18/2006 2:57 AM
To:	pgsql-performance@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject:	[PERFORM] Benchmarck PostgreSQL 8.1.4 MySQL 5.0.20 and Oracle 10g2


I'm running a benchmark with theses 3 databases, and the first results
are not very good for PostgreSQL.

PostgreSQL is 20% less performance than MySQL (InnoDB tables)

My benchmark uses the same server for theses 3 databases :
Dell Power edge - Xeon 2.8 Ghz - 2 Go Ram - 3 SCSI disks - Debian
Sarge - Linux 2.6

The transactions are a random mix of request in read (select) and
write (insert, delete, update) on many tables about 100 000 to 15 000
000 rows.

Transactions are executed from 500 connections.

For the tunning of PostgreSQL i use official documentation and theses
web sites :

Some important points of my postgresql.conf file :

max_connections = 510
shared_buffer = 16384
max_prepared_transactions = 510
work_mem = 1024
maintenance_work_mem = 1024
fsync = off
wal_buffers = 32
commit_delay = 500
checkpoint_segments = 10
checkpoint_timeout = 300
checkpoint_warning = 0
effective_cache_size = 165 000
autovaccuum = on
default_transaction_isolation = 'read_committed'

What do you think of my tunning ?

Best regards.


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TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings


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