Hello :) What version would PostgreSQL 8.1.4 be? > I'm running a benchmark with theses 3 databases, and the first results > are not very good for PostgreSQL. Could you give us some more infos about the box' performance while you run the PG benchmark? A few minutes output of "vmstat 10" maybe? What does "top" say? > My benchmark uses the same server for theses 3 databases : > Dell Power edge - Xeon 2.8 Ghz - 2 Go Ram - 3 SCSI disks - Debian > Sarge - Linux 2.6 How are you using the 3 disks? Did you split pg_xlog and the database on different disks or not? > The transactions are a random mix of request in read (select) and > write (insert, delete, update) on many tables about 100 000 to 15 000 > 000 rows. > > Transactions are executed from 500 connections. Can you say something about the clients? Do they run over network from other hosts? What language/bindings do they use? When they do inserts, are the inserts bundled or are there single insert transactions? Are the statements prepared? Bye, Chris.