On Wed, May 10, 2006 at 01:10:51PM -0500, Bruno Wolff III wrote: > On Wed, May 10, 2006 at 01:15:11 -0400, > Tom Lane <tgl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > > > Maybe the real problem is at the other end of the process, ie we should > > require some evidence of a greater-than-room-temp IQ to subscribe in the > > first place? > > I suspect it is more lazyiness that smarts. That had to at least figure out > how to respond to the confirm message in the first place in order to get > subscribed. > My theory is that they don't want to take the trouble to figure out how to > unsubscribe when they (think that they) can just send a message to the list > (not even the admin) asking to be unsubscribed and it will (well actually won't > on these lists) happen. The confirm email has a directly-clickable link, or you can just reply to it. From that standpoint, it's substantially easier and simpler than unsubscribing is... -- Jim C. Nasby, Sr. Engineering Consultant jnasby@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Pervasive Software http://pervasive.com work: 512-231-6117 vcard: http://jim.nasby.net/pervasive.vcf cell: 512-569-9461