Re: Memory and/or cache issues?

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Title: RE: [PERFORM] Memory and/or cache issues?

Ok, thank you all again for your help in this matter.  Yes, Michael I (the original poster) did say or imply I guess is a better word for it that a combo of training and hands-on is the best way for one to learn PostgreSQL or just about anything for that matter.  Thank you for recognizing the true intention of my statements.

One does need some sort of basis from which to grow.  I will say that nothing can replace the hands-on real-world training one can get in this business as it is the best way to learn and remember.  Just my opinion.  For example, I stated I was a SysAdmin for 20 years.  I was then thrust into the Oracle world as a DBA about 2 years ago while still maintaining my SysAdmin responsibilities.  I have yet to receive any formal Oracle training and have had to learn that on my own via, manuals, Google searches and begging the Oracle Database Architect here for assistance.  However, with PostgreSQL I initially started down the very same track but was fortunate enough to receive the ok for that week long PG boot camp.  Although I didn't take all that much away from the boot camp it did provide an excellent base from which I continue to grow as a PG DBA and it has helped me to understand postgres a lot easier and quicker than Oracle.

So please, lets just not throw emails back-n-forth amongst the group.  Since joining I have found the group as a whole to be a great resource of information and PG knowledge and do not want us to get a testy with each other over something I said or someone's interpretation of what I said.  Case closed.

BTW - I am still working towards getting the knowledge out here about what I learned form the posts, mainly that the buffers/cache row of information from the free command is the one we need most be concerned with.

Thank you,
Tim McElroy

 -----Original Message-----
From:   pgsql-performance-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:pgsql-performance-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]  On Behalf Of Michael Stone

Sent:   Monday, May 08, 2006 5:17 PM
To:     pgsql-performance@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject:        Re: [PERFORM] Memory and/or cache issues?

On Mon, May 08, 2006 at 03:38:23PM -0400, Vivek Khera wrote:
>On May 8, 2006, at 1:30 PM, Jim C. Nasby wrote:
>>>Yeah, I prefer my surgeons to work this way too.  training is for the
>>I think you read too quickly past the part where Tim said he'd 
>>taking a
>>week-long training class.

Of course, the original poster did say that hands-on was the best way to
learn. What is apprenticeship but a combination of training and
experience. Are you just sniping for fun?

Mike Stone

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