Ramasamy wrote:
Hi Richard , Very good Day. Great information that you given to me.
Great glad you think it's useful. Oh, don't forget to cc: the mailing-list - that's the convention around here.
I will try in your idea. Here I am using SQL server 2000(Even I can use SQL Sever 2005 too if needed.) We are dealing with lot of databases with lot of business logic. I think your information will great for me.
Ah - you're not using PostgreSQL? Well, the principle is the same but you should be aware that this is a PostgreSQL list so the details will be different.
Let I try and I will back with you. Thanks and hands of too you. But i don't have any idea of getting Session from databases (I think you are meaning that user can be handle with session). If you have some more idea then it will be great full to me.
With MS-SQL you'll probably want to look at T-SQL variables, although I don't know if they last longer than a single transaction. Failing that, functions or temporary tables might be a help.
-- Richard Huxton Archonet Ltd