Slow query - possible bug?

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laterooms=# explain analyze select allocation0_."ID" as y1_, allocation0_."RoomID" as y2_, allocation0_."StatusID" as y4_, allocation0_."Price" as y3_, allocation0_."Number" as y5_, allocation0_."Date" as y6_ from "Allocation" allocation0_ where (allocation0_."Date" between '2006-06-09 00:00:00.000000' and '2006-06-09 00:00:00.000000')and(allocation0_."RoomID" in(4300591));
                                                               QUERY PLAN
Index Scan using ix_date on "Allocation" allocation0_ (cost=0.00..4.77 rows=1 width=34) (actual time=1411.325..1689.860 rows=1 loops=1) Index Cond: (("Date" >= '2006-06-09'::date) AND ("Date" <= '2006-06-09'::date))
  Filter: ("RoomID" = 4300591)
Total runtime: 1689.917 ms
(4 rows)

Yep, the two dates are identical - yep I would change the client software to do where "Date" = '2006-06-09 00:00:00.000000' if I could...

However, it's clear to see why this simple query is taking so long - the plan is selecting /all/ dates after 2006-06-09 and /all/ dates before then, and only returning the union of the two - a large waste of effort, surely?

VACUUM ANALYZE hasn't improved matters... the schema for the table is

"ID" int8 NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval(('public."allocation_id_seq"'::text)::regclass),
 "RoomID" int4,
 "Price" numeric(10,2),
 "StatusID" int4,
 "Number" int4,
 "Date" date,

and there are indexes kept for 'RoomID' and 'Date' in this 4.3-million row table.

Is this a bug or a hidden feature in pg 8.1.3 ? :)


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