Hello! Kindly go through the following , I wanted to know whether, the command line arguments(function
arguments) ------ $1 $2 $3 -- can be used as in
the following , like, ---- CREATE
TYPE TT AS(something,something,…………………………………………………………etc………………); CREATE OR REPLACE
FUNCTION f1(varchar,varchar,varchar,varchar) RETURNS …………………..(something)…………. BEGIN SELECT a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6 FROM (SELECT
* FROM T1, T2……WHERE …………etc…
Flag = 0 $1 $2 $3 $4) ORDER BY ……………………
…………………………. RETURN
NEXT ………;
LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; NOTE :
The values for $1 $2 $3 $4 will be passed when the function
is invoked(called) from the command prompt. I tried implementing
the above, but this type of usage is not supported , how should use
it? I am converting
from (sprintf, “SELECT query stmts (which uses %s %s %s %s
…… ) to functions. Any help will be
deeply appreciated. Thank you. Kind regards,
Chethana. |