Re: Decide between Postgresql and Mysql (help of

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smarlowe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Scott Marlowe) writes:
> And that, nowadays, is generally the state of web development.  It's
> not the language you're using to write it in, it's how efficiently
> you're using your database.

Which properly puts my comments in their place :-).

More importantly, that seems like a valid statement which has a *wide*
scope of effects and side-effects.  Including some that ought to put
PostgreSQL in a very good place, in that it provides some very good
ways of achieving high efficiency.

Neat performance thing du jour: Hibernate seems to be the "neat new
Java persistence thing."

I have been very unimpressed with some of the web frameworks I have
seen thus far in their interaction with databases.

We use RT (Request Tracker) for tracking tickets, and in its attempt
to be "database agnostic," it actually only achieves being
MySQL(tm)-specific, because they have an automated query generator
that is only good at one style of queries at a time.  Coworkers have
suggested improved queries that are (on occasion) hundreds or
thousands of times faster than what it generates; those improvements
fall on deaf ears because they wouldn't work with all the databases.
(Well, more precisely, they wouldn't work with MySQL(tm).)

There's a home grown flavor of Java persistence mapping; it doesn't
seem as heinous as RT's, but it still doesn't make it overly
convenient to replace poor queries with more efficient ones.

Hibernate has a nifty thing in the form of "Named Queries."  It'll
often use its own "HQL" to auto-generate SQL, but any time the DBAs
come up with something that's nicely tuned, it seems to be highly
recommended to generate a "Named Query" for that which allows a Nice
Query to be made part of the application without too much weeping and
gnashing of teeth on either DBA or developers' sides.

A framework that allows you to thereby "soup up" how efficiently you
use your database...  Hmm...  I wonder if that fits into anyone's
notable quote?  :-).
(format nil "~S@~S" "cbbrowne" "")
"When  I was a  boy of  fourteen, my  father was  so ignorant  I could
hardly  stand to  have  the  old man  around.  But when  I  got to  be
twenty-one, I  was astonished at how  much the old man  had learned in
seven years." -- Mark Twain

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