I am running 7.4.8 and have a query that I have been running for a while that has recently have experienced a slowdown. The original query involves a UNION but I have narrowed it down to this half of the query as being my issue. (The other half take 4 seconds). The only issue that I have had is index bloat which I had to reindex the entire cluster to get rid of. My query has been slow since the start of the index bloat. Thanks in advance Woody explain analyze SELECT column1, column2, column3, column4, column5, column6, column7, column8 FROM (SELECT CASE status WHEN 0 THEN 0 WHEN 1 THEN 1 ELSE -1 END AS column1, mac AS column2, account AS column3, number || ' ' || address AS column4, 'qmod' || '.' || 'dmod' AS column5, node AS column6, grid AS column7, boxtype AS column8, number, address FROM settop_billing LEFT OUTER JOIN (dhct JOIN dhct_davic USING(mac)) USING (mac) WHERE region='GTown1E' AND node='1E012' ) AS foo; QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------- Nested Loop Left Join (cost=38659.85..55988.94 rows=2 width=84) (actual time=14054.297..294973.046 rows=418 loops=1) Join Filter: ("outer".mac = "inner".mac) -> Index Scan using settop_billing_region_node_index on settop_billing (cost=0.00..7.99 rows=2 width=82) (actual time=0.115..8.582 rows=418 loops=1) Index Cond: (((region)::text = 'GTown1E'::text) AND ((node)::text = '1E012'::text)) -> Materialize (cost=38659.85..42508.98 rows=384913 width=8) (actual time=2.211..286.267 rows=382934 loops=418) -> Hash Join (cost=14784.66..38659.85 rows=384913 width=8) (actual time=923.855..13647.840 rows=382934 loops=1) Hash Cond: ("outer".mac = "inner".mac) -> Append (cost=0.00..8881.11 rows=384912 width=8) (actual time=0.023..10914.365 rows=384900 loops=1) -> Seq Scan on dhct_davic (cost=0.00..0.00 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=0.002..0.002 rows=0 loops=1) -> Seq Scan on probe_dhct_davic dhct_davic (cost=0.00..8881.11 rows=384911 width=8) (actual time=0.018..10505.255 rows=384900 loops=1) -> Hash (cost=12154.13..12154.13 rows=410613 width=6) (actual time=923.433..923.433 rows=0 loops=1) -> Seq Scan on dhct (cost=0.00..12154.13 rows=410613 width=6) (actual time=0.019..534.641 rows=409576 loops=1) Total runtime: 294994.440 ms (13 rows) The tables involved are defined as follows: Table "public.settop_billing" Column | Type | Modifiers -----------------+------------------------+----------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- cable_billingid | integer | not null default nextval('public.new_cable_billing_cable_billingid_seq'::text) mac | macaddr | not null account | character varying(20) | number | character varying(12) | address | character varying(200) | name | character varying(100) | phone | character varying(10) | region | character varying(30) | node | character varying(10) | grid | character varying(15) | lat | numeric | long | numeric | boxtype | character(1) | Indexes: "settop_billing_mac_index" unique, btree (mac) "settop_billing_account_index" btree (account) "settop_billing_lat_log_index" btree (lat, long) "settop_billing_region_node_index" btree (region, node) Inherits: cable_billing Table "public.dhct" Column | Type | Modifiers ------------+-----------------------+----------------------------------- -------- dhctid | integer | not null default nextval('dhct_id'::text) mac | macaddr | not null ip | inet | serial | macaddr | admin_stat | integer | oper_stat | integer | qmod | character varying(50) | dmod | integer | hub | character varying(50) | dncs | character varying(50) | auth | text | updtime | integer | Indexes: "dhct_pkey" primary key, btree (mac) "dhct_qmod_index" btree (qmod) Table "iprobe024.probe_dhct_davic" Column | Type | Modifiers ---------+-----------------------+-------------------------------------- ---------------------- davicid | integer | not null default nextval('public.davic_davicid_seq'::text) mac | macaddr | not null type | character varying(10) | default 'davic'::character varying source | character varying(20) | status | smallint | updtime | integer | avail1 | integer | Indexes: "probe_dhct_davic_mac_index" unique, btree (mac) Inherits: dhct_davic ---------------------------------------- iGLASS Networks 211-A S. Salem St Apex NC 27502 (919) 387-3550 x813 www.iglass.net