The following query runs much slower than I would have expected. I ran it through EXPLAIN ANALYZE (results included after) and I don't understand why the planner is doing what it is. All of the columns from the WHERE part of the query are indexed and the indexes are being used. The number of rows being reported is equal to the size of the table though so it's really no better than just doing a sequential scan. This is running on Postgres 8.0.7 and the system has been freshly vaccumed with the statistics target set to 800. Does any know why the query behaves like this? Does it have anything to do with the OR statements in the where clause spanning two different tables? I tried an experiment where I split this into queries two queries using UNION and it ran in less than 1 ms. Which is a solution but I'm still curious why the original was so slow. SELECT DISTINCT a.account_id, l.username, a.status,, a.fax_num, a.primary_phone, a.responsible_first, a.responsible_last FROM accounts a, logins l, supplemental_info i WHERE l.account_id=a.account_id and i.account_id=a.account_id and ((a.primary_phone = 'xxx-xxx-xxxx') OR (a.alternate_phone = 'xxx-xxx-xxxx') OR (i.contact_num = 'xxx-xxx-xxxx')) ORDER BY a.status, a.primary_phone, a.account_id; EXPLAIN ANALYZE results Unique (cost=47837.93..47838.02 rows=4 width=92) (actual time=850.250..850.252 rows=1 loops=1) -> Sort (cost=47837.93..47837.94 rows=4 width=92) (actual time=850.248..850.248 rows=1 loops=1) Sort Key: a.status, a.primary_phone, a.account_id, l.username,, a.fax_num, a.responsible_first, a.responsible_last -> Nested Loop (cost=0.00..47837.89 rows=4 width=92) (actual time=610.641..850.222 rows=1 loops=1) -> Merge Join (cost=0.00..47818.70 rows=4 width=88) (actual time=610.602..850.179 rows=1 loops=1) Merge Cond: ("outer".account_id = "inner".account_id) Join Filter: ((("outer".primary_phone)::text = 'xxx-xxx-xxxx'::text) OR (("outer".alternate_phone)::text = 'xxx-xxx-xxxx'::text) OR (("inner".contact_num)::text = 'xxx-xxx-xxxx'::text)) -> Index Scan using accounts_pkey on accounts a (cost=0.00..18423.73 rows=124781 width=95) (actual time=0.019..173.523 rows=124783 loops=1) -> Index Scan using supplemental_info_account_id_idx on supplemental_info i (cost=0.00..15393.35 rows=124562 width=24) (actual time=0.014..145.757 rows=124643 loops=1) -> Index Scan using logins_account_id_idx on logins l (cost=0.00..4.59 rows=2 width=20) (actual time=0.022..0.023rows=1 loops=1) Index Cond: ("outer".account_id = l.account_id) Total runtime: 850.429 ms