Re: [GENERAL] need help

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Try to execute your query (in psql) with prefixing by EXPLAIN ANALYZE and
send us the result
 db=# EXPLAIN ANALYZE UPDATE s_apotik SET stock = 100 WHERE obat_id='A';


-----Original Message-----
From: pgsql-performance-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:pgsql-performance-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Tino Wildenhain
Sent: mardi 6 décembre 2005 09:55
To: Jenny
Cc: pgsql-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx; pgsql-sql@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx;
Subject: Re: [PERFORM] [GENERAL] need help

Jenny schrieb:
> I'm running PostgreSQL 8.0.3 on i686-pc-linux-gnu (Fedora Core 2). 
> I've been dealing with Psql for over than 2 years now, but I've never 
> had this case before.
> I have a table that has about 20 rows in it.
>        Table "public.s_apotik"
>     Column         |          Type                |     Modifiers
> -------------------+------------------------------+------------------
> obat_id            | character varying(10)        | not null
> stock              | numeric                      | not null
> s_min              | numeric                      | not null
> s_jual             | numeric                      | 
> s_r_jual           | numeric                      | 
> s_order            | numeric                      | 
> s_r_order          | numeric                      | 
> s_bs               | numeric                      | 
> last_receive       | timestamp without time zone  |
> Indexes:
>    "s_apotik_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree(obat_id)
> When I try to UPDATE one of the row, nothing happens for a very long time.
> First, I run it on PgAdminIII, I can see the miliseconds are growing 
> as I waited. Then I stop the query, because the time needed for it is 
> unbelievably wrong.
> Then I try to run the query from the psql shell. For example, the 
> table has obat_id : A, B, C, D.
> db=# UPDATE s_apotik SET stock = 100 WHERE obat_id='A'; (.... nothing 
> happens.. I press the Ctrl-C to stop it. This is what comes out
> :)
> Cancel request sent
> ERROR: canceling query due to user request
> (If I try another obat_id)
> db=# UPDATE s_apotik SET stock = 100 WHERE obat_id='B'; (Less than a 
> second, this is what comes out :) UPDATE 1
> I can't do anything to that row. I can't DELETE it. Can't DROP the table. 
> I want this data out of my database.
> What should I do? It's like there's a falsely pointed index here.
> Any help would be very much appreciated.

1) lets hope you do regulary backups - and actually tested restore.
1a) if not, do it right now
2) reindex the table
3) try again to modify

Q: are there any foreign keys involved? If so, reindex those tables too,
just in case.

did you vacuum regulary?


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