On Wed, 14 Dec 2005, Charles Sprickman wrote:
[big snip]
The list server seems to be regurgitating old stuff, and in doing so it
reminded me to thank everyone for their input. I was kind of waiting to
see if anyone who was very pro-NAS/SAN was going to pipe up, but it looks
like most people are content with per-host storage.
You've given me a lot to go on... Now I'm going to have to do some
research as to real-world RAID controller performance. It's vexing (to
say the least) that most vendors don't supply any raw throughput or TPS
stats on this stuff...
Anyhow, thanks again. You'll probably see me back here in the coming
months as I try to shake some mysql info out of my brain as our pgsql DBA
gets me up to speed on pgsql and what specifically he's doing to stress
I hope this isn't too far off topic for this list. Postgres is the main
application that I'm looking to accomodate. Anything else I can do with
whatever solution we find is just gravy...
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster