Christopher Kings-Lynne wrote:
You might find it faster to install contrib/tsearch2 for text indexing
sort of purposes...
Nörder-Tuitje wrote:
Here is my config:
shared_buffers = 2000 # min 16, at least max_connections*2,
8KB each
work_mem = 32768 # min 64, size in KB
maintenance_work_mem = 16384 # min 1024, size in KB
max_stack_depth = 8192 # min 100, size in KB
enable_hashagg = true
enable_hashjoin = true
enable_indexscan = true
enable_mergejoin = true
enable_nestloop = true
enable_seqscan = false
The machine is a XEON 3GHz, 1GB RAM, SATA RAID 1 Array running 8.0.4
i686 precompiled
Also, shared_buffers (server-wide) are low, compared to a high work_mem
(32M for each sort operation, but this also depends on your concurrency
And disabling sequential scans in your postgresql.conf would probabily
lead to sub-optimal plans in many queries.
Best regards
Matteo Beccati