Ron Peacetree wrote: > 0= Optimize your schema to be a tight as possible. Your goal is to give yourself the maximum chance that everything you want to work on is in RAM when you need it. > 1= Upgrade your RAM to as much as you can possibly strain to afford. 4GB at least. It's that important. > 2= If the _entire_ DB does not fit in RAM after upgrading your RAM, the next step is making sure your HD IO subsystem is adequate to your needs. > 3= Read the various pg tuning docs that are available and Do The Right Thing. > 4= If performance is still not acceptable, then it's time to drill down into what specific actions/queries are problems. > If you get to here and the entire DBMS is still not close to acceptable, your fundamental assumptions have to be re-examined. IMHO you should really be examining your queries _before_ you do any investment in hardware, because later those may prove unnecessary. -- Alvaro Herrera The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc.