Hi everyone, Can anyone please explain postgres' behavior on our index. I did the following query tests on our database: ==================== db=# create index chatlogs_date_idx on chatlogs (date); CREATE db=# explain select date from chatlogs where date>='11/23/04'; NOTICE: QUERY PLAN: Index Scan using chatlogs_date_idx on chatlogs (cost=0.00..144.11 rows=36 width=4) EXPLAIN db=# explain select date from chatlogs where date>='10/23/04'; NOTICE: QUERY PLAN: Seq Scan on chatlogs (cost=0.00..23938.06 rows=253442 width=4) EXPLAIN==================== Date's datatype is date. Its just odd that I just change the actual date of search and the index is not being used anymore.