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1;2c1;2c1;2cOn Wed, 17 Nov 2004, [iso-8859-15] Herv? Piedvache wrote:
Sorry but when I do your request I get :
# select id_site from site where idx_site_name @@ б 'livejourn';
ERROR: б type "б " does not exist
no idea :) btw, what version of postgresql and OS you're running.
Could you try minimal test - check sql commands from tsearch2 sources,
some basic queries from tsearch2 documentation, tutorials.
btw, your query should looks like
select id_site from site_rss where idx_site_name @@ 'livejourn';
How did you run your queries at all ? I mean your first message about
poor tsearch2 performance.
What is this ?
(private: I don't know what happend with my mail, but I do nothing special to
disturb the contains when I'm writting to you ...)
Le Mardi 16 Novembre 2004 22:13, Oleg Bartunov a ?crit :
ok, I downloaded dump of table and here is what I found:
zz=# select count(*) from tt;
(1 row)
zz=# select * from stat('select tt from tt') order by ndoc desc, nentry
rd limit 10;
word | ndoc | nentry
blog | 12710 | 12835
weblog | 4857 | 4859
news | 4402 | 4594
life | 4136 | 4160
world | 1980 | 1986
journal | 1882 | 1883
livejourn | 1737 | 1737
thought | 1669 | 1677
web | 1154 | 1161 | 1138 | 1138
(10 rows)
zz=# explain analyze select tt from tt where tt @@ 'blog';
------------------------------------------- Index Scan using tt_idx on tt
(cost=0.00..728.83 rows=184 width=32) (actual time=0.047..141.110
rows=12710 loops=1) Index Cond: (tt @@ '\'blog\''::tsquery)
Filter: (tt @@ '\'blog\''::tsquery)
Total runtime: 154.105 ms
(4 rows)
It's really fast ! So, I don't understand your problem.
I run query on my desktop machine, nothing special.
On Tue, 16 Nov 2004, [iso-8859-15] Herv? Piedvache wrote:
I'm completly dispointed with Tsearch2 ...
I have a table like this :
Table ""
Column | Type |
------------------------------------ id_site | integer
| not null default
site_name | text |
site_url | text |
url | text |
language | text |
datecrea | date | default now()
id_category | integer |
time_refresh | integer |
active | integer |
error | integer |
description | text |
version | text |
idx_site_name | tsvector |
lastcheck | date |
lastupdate | timestamp without time zone |
"site_id_site_key" unique, btree (id_site)
"ix_idx_site_name" gist (idx_site_name)
tsvectorupdate_site_name BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON site FOR EACH ROW
EXECUTE PROCEDURE tsearch2('idx_site_name', 'site_name')
I have 183 956 records in the database ...
SELECT s.site_name, s.id_site, s.description, s.site_url,
case when exists (select id_user
from user_choice u
where u.id_site=s.id_site
and u.id_user = 1)
then 1 else 0 end as bookmarked
FROM site s
WHERE s.idx_site_name @@ to_tsquery('atari');
Explain Analyze :
----------------------------------------------------------------- Index
Scan using ix_idx_site_name on site s (cost=0.00..1202.12 rows=184
width=158) (actual time=4687.674..4698.422 rows=1 loops=1)
Index Cond: (idx_site_name @@ '\'atari\''::tsquery)
Filter: (idx_site_name @@ '\'atari\''::tsquery)
-> Seq Scan on user_choice u (cost=0.00..3.46 rows=1 width=4)
(actual time=0.232..0.232 rows=0 loops=1)
Filter: ((id_site = $0) AND (id_user = 1))
Total runtime: 4698.608 ms
First time I run the request I have a result in about 28 seconds.
SELECT s.site_name, s.id_site, s.description, s.site_url,
case when exists (select id_user
from user_choice u
where u.id_site=s.id_site
and u.id_user = 1)
then 1 else 0 end as bookmarked
FROM site_rss s
WHERE s.site_name ilike '%atari%'
--------------------------------------- Seq Scan on site_rss s
(cost=0.00..11863.16 rows=295 width=158) (actual time=17.414..791.937
rows=12 loops=1)
Filter: (site_name ~~* '%atari%'::text)
-> Seq Scan on user_choice u (cost=0.00..3.46 rows=1 width=4)
(actual time=0.222..0.222 rows=0 loops=12)
Filter: ((id_site = $0) AND (id_user = 1))
Total runtime: 792.099 ms
First time I run the request I have a result in about 789 miliseconds
I'm using PostgreSQL v7.4.6 with a Bi-Penitum III 933 Mhz and 1 Gb of
Any idea ... ? For the moment I'm going back to use the ilike solution
... but I was really thinking that Tsearch2 could be a better solution
Oleg Bartunov, sci.researcher, hostmaster of AstroNet,
Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow University (Russia)
Internet: oleg@xxxxxxxxxx,
phone: +007(095)939-16-83, +007(095)939-23-83
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
joining column's datatypes do not match
Oleg Bartunov, sci.researcher, hostmaster of AstroNet,
Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow University (Russia)
Internet: oleg@xxxxxxxxxx,
phone: +007(095)939-16-83, +007(095)939-23-83