I am looking for a Postgres expert who can perform some performance testing and enhancing on our database as well as provide guidance and advice as to our database options and strategy going forward.
This will be a short-term contract position. If anyone is interested, please contact me on +447704458744
Matt Benaron Finance Data Analyst T: +44 203 326 9099 Imperial House, 21-25 North Street, Bromley, Kent, BR1 1SD, UK www.ostc.com | Awards for OSTC Wales: | Awards for OSTC Poland: |

Registered in England & Wales under Companies' House Register No.05508754. Registered address: Imperial House, 21-25 North Street, Bromley BR1 1SD. Principal place of business 2nd Floor, Imperial House 21-25 North Street, Bromley BR1 1SD. VAT registration number [912 9076 25]. O.S.T.C. Financials Limited operates in the conduct of investment business under the regulatory umbrella of The Kyte Group Limited. The Kyte Group Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority under FSA Register No.s. 114120. For the avoidance of doubt, O.S.T.C. Financials Limited is not authorised or regulated by the Financial Services Authority. (ver. Feb 13)