Re: Windows pgbench

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It would be helpful if EDB split the Windows installer into Client and Server.  Not only would the installer file be smaller, but there would be no worry about forgetting to stop the postgresql service.

Getting it in the MS Store might be possible, too.  PG Client next to the Putty client... 😀

On Mon, Mar 10, 2025 at 3:53 PM Younes El Fakir <youneselfakir0@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

It seems that **pgbench** is typically included as part of the PostgreSQL server installation. If you're looking for a standalone installer for Windows, it doesn't appear to be readily available. However, you can still use **pgbench** on Windows by installing the PostgreSQL server, as it comes bundled with it

Le lun. 10 mars 2025, 3 h 44 p.m., Mauricio Fernandez <mmauricio.fernandez@xxxxxxxxx> a écrit :
Hi admins, is there a pgbench windows installer? or the only way to get the Windows version is installing the Postgresql server??

Thank you very much in advance

kind regards

Mauricio Fernández

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<Redacted> lobster!

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