Virtuals IP running simultaneously

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Greetings wise community.

I'm implementing a High Availability system using repmgr 5.5.0, Postgresql 17.1 and Linux OEL 9.5. All is working fine.

I need to do the next step and implement two virtual ip (VIP) in each node. Usually the preferred method was replicating the interface scripts in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts, but today linux recommends using nmcli.

I have been able to create the VIPs, but I can't achieve both of them running simultaneously. Any time I try to run one of them, the other falls down.

I have created the VIP in the following way:


[root@oel9base ~]# nmcli conn
NAME    UUID                                  TYPE      DEVICE
enp0s3  763e2ff9-0a34-4ff5-b215-db1949d8b30d  ethernet  enp0s3
lo      1cf316e4-409e-4a4d-8086-d9df2a612a69  loopback  lo    

[root@oel9base ~]# nmcli connection add type ethernet ifname enp0s3 con-name enp0s3:0 ipv4.method manual ipv4.address ipv4.gateway
Connection 'enp0s3:0' (78526e2b-669b-4e1e-85cb-775cfb0d5630) successfully added.

[root@oel9base ~]# nmcli connection modify enp0s3:0 ipv4.dns ""

[root@oel9base ~]# nmcli connection add type ethernet ifname enp0s3 con-name enp0s3:1 ipv4.method manual ipv4.address ipv4.gateway
Connection 'enp0s3:1' (53ef8070-7699-4594-b7ef-855551285158) successfully added.

[root@oel9base ~]# nmcli connection modify enp0s3:1 ipv4.dns ""

[root@oel9base ~]# nmcli conn
NAME      UUID                                  TYPE      DEVICE
enp0s3    763e2ff9-0a34-4ff5-b215-db1949d8b30d  ethernet  enp0s3
lo        1cf316e4-409e-4a4d-8086-d9df2a612a69  loopback  lo    
enp0s3:0  78526e2b-669b-4e1e-85cb-775cfb0d5630  ethernet  --    
enp0s3:1  53ef8070-7699-4594-b7ef-855551285158  ethernet  --     

Even I have added the addresses to the original connection:

[root@oel9base ~]# nmcli conn modify enp0s3 +ipv4.addresses
[root@oel9base ~]# nmcli conn modify enp0s3 +ipv4.addresses

The way I have proceeded is what I've found on the internet, I don't know what I'm missing.

I would appreciate any suggestions

kind regards

Mauricio Fernández

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