Re: Feature Request: multithreaded reindexdb --concurrently of a single table

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On Fri, Feb 21, 2025 at 1:46 PM Álvaro Herrera <alvherre@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 2025-Feb-18, Ron Johnson wrote:

> It would be really really handy to be able to run multiple REINDEX INDEX
> jobs at the same time, either by just specifying the table as above and
> reindexdb automagically getting the index names, or by manually enumerating
> each index, and then see all four REINDEX INDEX statements in
> pg_stat_activity.

I don't think multiple REINDEX commands can run concurrently on the same
table, so this is not a reindexdb issue but a server issue.  And TBH I
think the server feature to support that is not likely to be implemented

That's a shame.  Big server, lots of RAM, lots of CPUs, a big table, and lots of indices just begs for concurrently running REINDEX / CREATE INDEX statements on the same table.

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<Redacted> lobster!

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