Dear Ron,
Excellent assessment Ron, Thank you very much ... I will share it with the architect.
Thank you very much
Erik R. Serrano Saavedra
Data Base Administrator
El mar, 11 feb 2025 a las 10:48, Ron Johnson (<ronljohnsonjr@xxxxxxxxx>) escribió:
On Tue, Feb 11, 2025 at 2:17 AM Erik Serrano <eserranos@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:--Dear Postgresql community,
Along with greetings, I would like to consult a problem related to a streaming replication slave server in Postgresql version 15 that is being used as a server for PowerBi queries.
I have been receiving some comments about errors in PBi queries that fail because they have problems with replication.
The configuration of that server is basic (it has some additional parameters) but I think that some additional configuration can be done that allows me to improve the performance of the queries.
I attach the errors that normally appear to me and my configuration file.
I hope you can help me or guide me in a possible solution
Thank you very much in advanceIn the _004.jpg file, I see integer underflow. Or integer overflow that wraps around to negative 2.1 billion.Maybe that column needs to be a BIGINT, and the PBI code needs to use int8?Death to <Redacted>, and butter sauce.Don't boil me, I'm still alive.<Redacted> lobster!