Using pgbackrest requires that I have additional local disk space for me to stage the backup before I use my actual backup software to actually perform an off-server backup.
Incrementally forever backups means that there isn't a need to do a weekly full backup. I never have to do the 84 minutes of backup.
The same thing is true for performing restores. Pgbackrest requires a two (actually 3 if you include wal replay) stage restore. Once from my actual backup system into the staging area, and then a second to get the pgbackrest files restored to the postgresql
data space. There are even more steps for pgbackrest if I have to go back to the last full backup and roll forward.
What I am hearing from everyone is that there isn't a way within postgresql to remove the requirement for keeping the session open. I will have to write scripts to handle a persistent connection for the duration of the backup 🙁
From: Ron Johnson <ronljohnsonjr@xxxxxxxxx>
On Thu, Nov 7, 2024 at 12:47 PM Evan Rempel <erempel@xxxxxxx> wrote:
Last night's pgbackrest incremental backup of a 5.1TB database took a whopping 92
seconds. How's that a backwards step?
Sure, the weekly full backup takes 84 minutes, but that's in so way shape or form painfully slow.
Death to <Redacted>, and butter sauce.
Don't boil me, I'm still alive.
<Redacted> lobster!