uge time; I know the hardware is capable of multi-GB/s throughput but the reload is taking a long time - projected to be about 10 days to reload at the current rate (about 30Mb/sec). The old server and new server have a 10G link between them and storage is SSD backed, so the hardware is capable of much much more than it is doing now.
Is there a way to improve the reload performance? Tuning of any type - even if I need to undo it later once the reload is done.
declare -i SharedBuffs=32
declare -i MaintMem=3
declare -i MaxWalSize=36
declare -i WalBuffs=64
-o "-c hba_file=$PGDATA/pg_hba_maintmode.conf" \
-o "-c fsync=off" \
-o "-c log_statement=none" \
-o "-c log_temp_files=100kB" \
-o "-c log_checkpoints=on" \
-o "-c log_min_duration_statement=120000" \
-o "-c shared_buffers=${SharedBuffs}GB" \
-o "-c maintenance_work_mem=${MaintMem}GB" \
-o "-c synchronous_commit=off" \
-o "-c archive_mode=off" \
-o "-c full_page_writes=off" \
-o "-c checkpoint_timeout=${CheckPoint}min" \
-o "-c max_wal_size=${MaxWalSize}GB" \
-o "-c wal_level=minimal" \
-o "-c max_wal_senders=0" \
-o "-c wal_buffers=${WalBuffs}MB" \
-o "-c autovacuum=off"
My backups were in progress when all the issues happened, so they're not such a good starting point and I'd actually prefer the clean reload since this DB has been through multiple upgrades (without reloads) until now so I know it's not especially clean. The size has always prevented the full reload before but the database is relatively low traffic now so I can afford some time to reload, but ideally not 10 days.
Yours, Laurenz Albe