PG 16.3
Obviously I've overlooked something, but can't see what it is.
DB name is "tap".
pwd is the directory above where the directory-format backup is located.
I'm trying to restore the single table tapschema.batch_rp4_y2022m08 to the existing database named "tap".
The (compressed) backup file is about a megabyte, so there's data in it. However, when I run the "pg_restore -t" command, it connects, but doesn't restore anything.
$ pg_restore -l -Fd -f tap.list tap
$ grep " batch_rp4_y2022m08 " tap.list
2118; 1259 1814433 TABLE tapschema batch_rp4_y2022m08 fis_tap
128513; 0 0 TABLE ATTACH tapschema batch_rp4_y2022m08 fis_tap
847489; 0 1814433 TABLE DATA tapschema batch_rp4_y2022m08 fis_tap
$ dir tap/847489*
-rw-r--r-- 1 postgres postgres 1067185 2024-06-27 02:31:24 tap/847489.dat.gz
$ pg_restore -v -a -t tapschema.batch_rp4_y2022m08 -Fd --dbname=tap tap
pg_restore: connecting to database for restore
$ psql tap -c "select count(*) from batch_rp4_y2022m08;"
(1 row)
$ grep " batch_rp4_y2022m08 " tap.list
2118; 1259 1814433 TABLE tapschema batch_rp4_y2022m08 fis_tap
128513; 0 0 TABLE ATTACH tapschema batch_rp4_y2022m08 fis_tap
847489; 0 1814433 TABLE DATA tapschema batch_rp4_y2022m08 fis_tap
$ dir tap/847489*
-rw-r--r-- 1 postgres postgres 1067185 2024-06-27 02:31:24 tap/847489.dat.gz
$ pg_restore -v -a -t tapschema.batch_rp4_y2022m08 -Fd --dbname=tap tap
pg_restore: connecting to database for restore
$ psql tap -c "select count(*) from batch_rp4_y2022m08;"
(1 row)