On Sat, May 18, 2024 at 6:17 AM Edwin UY <edwin.uy@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
HiIs there no other option to grant a user ALTER TABLE privilege except doing the grant <owner> to <user>/<role> :-)I can understand it is not really ideal to grant access for the user to do ALTER TABLE, this is mainly for the TEST environment while the developers are doing their testing.For Qual and PROD, it will be restricted to either the owner or users with superuser privileges.Any advice is much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
"The right to drop an object, or to alter its definition in any way, is not treated as a grantable privilege; it is inherent in the owner, and cannot be granted or revoked. (However, a similar effect can be obtained by granting or revoking membership in the role that owns the object; see below.) The owner implicitly has all grant options for the object, too."